On a plain white background, a young woman with wavy shoulder-length blonde hair tied with a yellow ribbon around her neck, blue eyes, no makeup, a navy blue see-through elbow-length jacket, a black sleeveless top, navy blue pants, and a yellow cloth tied around her waist, is attacking with a knife, with a maniacal smile on her face; knife, yellow accents on a black base:
AI Prompt
無地の白背景にウェーブがかかった肩口くらいまでの長さの金髪を首元で黄色いリボンで結んでいる碧眼で化粧気のない顔に紺色のシースルーの肘丈の上着に黒いノースリーブを着て紺色のズボンで腰に黄色い布を巻いている若い女性が狂気的な笑みを浮かべてナイフで襲い掛かっている、ナイフ、黒を基調に黄色の差し色 –sref https://s.mj.run/Si2F83o533s –niji 6 –ar 3:4