a mischievous, playful mascot character named Kiki, a small, lively alien spirit with a smooth, round body, short limbs, and oversized ears. The character’s body is a combination of deep blue and bright light blue with purple accents. The character has large, round eyes in bright yellow or green, giving a lively, curious expression. The character has exaggerated facial expressions, always smiling or laughing mischievously. The character’s appearance includes small details like tiny scratches or scars, making it look a bit wild but charming. The character has a playful, energetic, and fun-loving personality, always jumping or rolling around.:
AI Prompt
a mischievous, playful mascot character named Kiki, a small, lively alien spirit with a smooth, round body, short limbs, and oversized ears. The character’s body is a combination of deep blue and bright light blue with purple accents. The character has large, round eyes in bright yellow or green, giving a lively, curious expression. The character has exaggerated facial expressions, always smiling or laughing mischievously. The character’s appearance includes small details like tiny scratches or scars, making it look a bit wild but charming. The character has a playful, energetic, and fun-loving personality, always jumping or rolling around. –niji 6 –ar 1:1 –s 50