In the illustrations in the animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends” the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men’s kimono wearing clogs

In the illustrations in the animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends”, the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men’s kimono, wearing clogs, and holding a lantern in one hand. His whole body is full of movement. Full of Spring Festival atmosphere. The background is solid color, the style is similar to Ghibli animation, hand-drawn animation, bright colors, high resolution and high quality:
ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== In the illustrations in the animation "Natsume's Book of Friends" the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men's kimono wearing clogs

AI Prompt

In the illustrations in the animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends”, the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men’s kimono, wearing clogs, and holding a lantern in one hand. His whole body is full of movement. Full of Spring Festival atmosphere. The background is solid color, the style is similar to Ghibli animation, hand-drawn animation, bright colors, high resolution and high quality –ar 3:4 –niji 6

In the illustrations in the animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends” the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men’s kimono wearing clogs

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