In the illustrations in the animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends”, the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men’s kimono, wearing clogs, and holding a lantern in one hand. His whole body is full of movement. Full of Spring Festival atmosphere. The background is solid color, the style is similar to Ghibli animation, hand-drawn animation, bright colors, high resolution and high quality:
AI Prompt
In the illustrations in the animation “Natsume’s Book of Friends”, the male protagonist Natsume and the cat teacher are celebrating the New Year. Natsume is wearing a red men’s kimono, wearing clogs, and holding a lantern in one hand. His whole body is full of movement. Full of Spring Festival atmosphere. The background is solid color, the style is similar to Ghibli animation, hand-drawn animation, bright colors, high resolution and high quality –ar 3:4 –niji 6