a Chinese checker board you see a playing card floating over a checker box over the playing card you see a floating chess piece.

a Chinese checker board, you see a playing card floating over a checker box, over the playing card you see a floating chess piece.
a Chinese checker board  you see a playing card floating over a checker box  over the playing card you see a floating chess piece. 0
a Chinese checker board  you see a playing card floating over a checker box  over the playing card you see a floating chess piece. 1
a Chinese checker board  you see a playing card floating over a checker box  over the playing card you see a floating chess piece. 2
a Chinese checker board  you see a playing card floating over a checker box  over the playing card you see a floating chess piece. 3

a Chinese checker board you see a playing card floating over a checker box over the playing card you see a floating chess piece.

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