Cardcaptor Sakura, “Card Captor,” in a pink and white background, the main character is holding her magic wand with one hand while wearing an elegant magical dress adorned with red ribbons. She has green eyes and brown hair styled into short pigtails. Her attire includes pink shoes and shorts. The background features various cute creatures floating around her, including anthropomorphic mice dressed as kittens. Anime style with vibrant colors.:
AI Prompt
Cardcaptor Sakura, “Card Captor,” in a pink and white background, the main character is holding her magic wand with one hand while wearing an elegant magical dress adorned with red ribbons. She has green eyes and brown hair styled into short pigtails. Her attire includes pink shoes and shorts. The background features various cute creatures floating around her, including anthropomorphic mice dressed as kittens. Anime style with vibrant colors. –sref 1618987515 –ar 3:4 –niji 6