In the anime-inspired style of Makoto Shinkai, the scene depicts an apocalyptic setting with a Chinese ancient prison background. A dark, moody atmosphere prevails, and an angry woman wearing a white Hanfu with long hair stands to the side, looking directly at the viewer. She has her arms folded across her chest, and the shot is a close-up of her upper body in the . 1. 00172:
AI Prompt
In the anime-inspired style of Makoto Shinkai, the scene depicts an apocalyptic setting with a Chinese ancient prison background. A dark, moody atmosphere prevails, and an angry woman wearing a white Hanfu with long hair stands to the side, looking directly at the viewer. She has her arms folded across her chest, and the shot is a close-up of her upper body in the . 1. 00172 –sref –sw 50 –style raw –niji 6 –ar 4:3 –s 200