Rural areas after heavy snowfall,Big perspective depression angle.64K,It’s snowing heavily in the sky and the trees are green pine trees with snow on their leaves,The white hue of mature wheat

Rural areas after heavy snowfall,Big perspective,depression angle.64K,It’s snowing heavily in the sky, and the trees are green pine trees with snow on their leaves,The white hue of mature wheat,Top view angle, large perspective:
Rural areas after heavy snowfall,Big perspective depression angle.64K,It's snowing heavily in the sky  and the trees are green pine trees with snow on their leaves,The white hue of mature wheat 0

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Rural areas after heavy snowfall,Big perspective,depression angle.64K,It’s snowing heavily in the sky, and the trees are green pine trees with snow on their leaves,The white hue of mature wheat,Top view angle, large perspective –sref –sw 10 –niji 6

Rural areas after heavy snowfall,Big perspective depression angle.64K,It’s snowing heavily in the sky and the trees are green pine trees with snow on their leaves,The white hue of mature wheat

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