A picturesque scene of an enchanted village with cobblestone streets colorful flowers adorning the buildings and bridges over flowing streams. In front is a crystal-clear river that reflects the sky above while in one corner stands a majestic castle with turrets and towers

A picturesque scene of an enchanted village with cobblestone streets, colorful flowers adorning the buildings and bridges over flowing streams. In front is a crystal-clear river that reflects the sky above, while in one corner stands a majestic castle with turrets and towers, creating a magical atmosphere. The sun sets behind, casting long shadows on its iconic roofline. Painted in the style of a colorful fantasy art style.

A picturesque scene of an enchanted village with cobblestone streets colorful flowers adorning the buildings and bridges over flowing streams. In front is a crystal-clear river that reflects the sky above while in one corner stands a majestic castle with turrets and towers

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