In the style of Japanese anime, by Makoto Shinkai and in the style of Studio Ghibli, an Asian girl in a white school uniform stands at attention with her back to us on the street, looking up towards an ominous clock tower that towers over the surrounding buildings. The sky is clear with clouds. In front of it sits a black cyberpunk vehicle with rusted metal details. A dystopian cityscape surrounds them. Her hair has short bangs hanging down around her face. She wears orange gloves and carries a backpack on each shoulder.:
AI Prompt
In the style of Japanese anime, by Makoto Shinkai and in the style of Studio Ghibli, an Asian girl in a white school uniform stands at attention with her back to us on the street, looking up towards an ominous clock tower that towers over the surrounding buildings. The sky is clear with clouds. In front of it sits a black cyberpunk vehicle with rusted metal details. A dystopian cityscape surrounds them. Her hair has short bangs hanging down around her face. She wears orange gloves and carries a backpack on each shoulder. –ar 4:3 –s 180 –niji 6