Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Tui Na (Chinese therapeutic massage) Qi (Chi) Yin and Yang Five Elements Theory Meridians Cupping Therapy Moxibustion Gua Sha (scraping therapy) Pulse Diagnosis Tongue Diagnosis Holistic Health Energy Flow Preventive Medicine Natural Remedies Dietary Therapy Emotional Balance Herbal Formulas:
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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Tui Na (Chinese therapeutic massage) Qi (Chi) Yin and Yang Five Elements Theory Meridians Cupping Therapy Moxibustion Gua Sha (scraping therapy) Pulse Diagnosis Tongue Diagnosis Holistic Health Energy Flow Preventive Medicine Natural Remedies Dietary Therapy Emotional Balance Herbal Formulas –ar 3:4 –v 6.1